"I am coming to terms with my humanity . . . I am constantly asking what it means to live with an openness that invites healing and profound grace. " Me too. Thank you as always, Swarnali. I look forward to your future posts and all the pictures!

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Thank you Emily. So deeply grateful 💜

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Oh my gosh, every second of this was so incredible.

The love you hold for yours can be felt throughout--but more than that, the love you hold for our collective Mother and the way we must intentionally care for one another to ultimately care for her is so powerful. Thank you for writing this, my magical friend. You hold such power in your words, and I am so moved by them.

I am sending you and your mom so much love - I hope that which ails her lifts. 💜💜 She deserves lightness and joy, as we all do. 💜💜

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Beloved friend, your kindness overwhelms me in all the right ways. I feel such gratitude in my heart to have found you.

May we fight for one another and our big blue mother till the end of line. May we see to it that justice, love, healing, and peace prevails, no matter how long and far we have to go for it. Together, we will.

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Wow, this whole piece. Stunningly good writing. I have a friend who is in deep grief right now and I sent her a link to this. I know she will enjoy reading it. I have also saved it for myself to return to. Thank you.

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Dear Nelly, thank you for stepping in here. My heart aches for your friend. Thank you for sharing my words with her. I feel worthy of the world when someone finds comfort in my words. I invite you and your friends to figuratively ‘sit with me’ in silence of the lurking unknown and let each other know that it is going to be alright.

I lost my father last summer and eventually wrote an essay about love and grief while still at the deep end of it. Maybe your friend might find some comfort in that essay too. I am removing paywall from it so that you can share it with her. My love to you both.

Here it is : https://berkana.cc/p/whats-once-loved-can-never-be-lost?r=diu7d&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=false

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Thank you so much. What a world we live in. At one moment terrifying and the next so connected by care and compassion (and art!!!)

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It is a terrifying yet beautiful world we live in dear one. I am happy to have met you across space-time. So grateful that you arrived here 💜

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No words, Swarnali, this is so achingly beautiful. ✨ Thank you.💜 I'm sending love for you and your mother. And I'm really looking forward to the essays you mention at the end.

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I am so grateful for your presence here my friend. Thank you 🙏

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